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The notion I’m going to deal with is « Places and forms of power » First of all, I would like to define what this notion means .In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regualtions , laws .This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts .Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it .
I will present three documents which are going to help me answer the following key question : How do people exercise their power ?What tools can be used to show a power ?
The first document I have chosen is an extract from the novel Once Were Warriors written by Alan Duff which deals with the history of the Maoris .In the first part the Maori’s chief is speaking at his warriors about the war against the British who wanted to proclaim a british sovereignty in New-Zealand while Maoris were the first inhabitants of this land .Consequently a war against these two people ocurred , each wanting the power .The British,seeing that the Maoris would never give up ,signed the treaty of Waitangi with them .It was a contract between the British and the Maori to share the land and its resources but the British did not respect it .As a consequence Maoris felt betrayed and revengful .As a result ,to show their power Maori’s warriors have made a haka which is the traditional war cry on their culture.Originally , hakas were performed by warriors before the battle to proclaim at the enemy their strength and prowess in order to intimidate the opposition.
This document shows us a conflict of power, indeed members of a same country didn’t succeeded to live peacefully together .Moreover, the haka was a tool used by Maori’s warriors to influence the behavior of British by frightening them.
The second document I have chosen is a commercial about the National Riffle Association which is a very-powerful lobby in the USA and a pro-gun association .It uses her power to promote guns and attract people by doing a promotional .On the video , there are capital letters, an epic music which sounds like an action film,it-s eye-catching with all the colours .This are the differents tools used by the NRa to promote itself .Furthermore it presents itself as defending patriotism and it show American symbols such as the American flag, the Constitution .The voice who is speaking is strong , that’s an other tool used to highlight the strenghth and the power of the NRA .
Now I’m going to present you a campaign to discourage gun violence.Contrary to the NRA, Brady Campaign is an association which fight against gun violence .This association realised a poster on what there’s the number of deaths by guns in various countries .Obviously the biggest number is in the USA. A gun decorated with the American flag takes half of the ad to show that it’s a big part of the American Culture. And in the middle of the ad ,there’s wrtten in capital letters « God Bless America » ,we can think that’s it is like a pray in order to protect the Americans face to gun violence.

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