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Sujet (anglais):
In no more than 120 worlds,write an infolmal email to a friend about a frightening experience.
Merci d'avance:)

Sagot :

Réponse :

Hey jen.

I wanted to send you a email earlier but I couldn't, my mom took my phone away beacause I was apparently "too addicted to my phone". I hate it when she does these things. Anyway, how are you?

I'm great except from what happened yesterday. Remeber when  I told you that I was going scoobadiving well it happened again, I had a panic attack when I saw a shark coming, My dad tried to tell me everything was okay and that it wouldn't hurt me but I kept feeling sick and wanting some air. I was traped as if I wasn't able to breath. It was like I was drowning. I don't know what happened after I think I fainted because the next thig I remember was waking up in my bedroom, My mom reading a book beside me and my dad asleep on a chair on the other side of my bed. I wish these panick attacks would just go. My parents think I should go see a therapist. I don't really know if I should. What do you think? Hope you having a great weekend. Email me when you can.       Love you xxx


Explications :

Tu peut changer les noms tu fait comme tu veux( je crois avoir fait beaucoup plus de lignes que les consignes enlève se que tu pense etre le moins intéressant)

J'espère que je t'ai aidée bisous

Les" x" sont un symbole de bisous en Anglais