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Sagot :
Réponse : Hey !
I’m Jeanne, I’m a girl and I’m 15 years old. I was born on the 15th of July 2004. I live in Charnay-lès-mâcon, a small town near Mâcon . My house is big with a swimming pool ( you can use it when [ou "if"] you come at home :D ! ). I have one brother and one sister who don’t live at home because they are studying in an other city so I live with my parents ( my mom is Sandrine and my dad is Laurent ), my dog and my 2 cats ! I have a horse so I go to the riding center everyday ride and take care of it. Hope you like animals ! I ride a horse for 12 years and I practice jumping competition every [ou "this" Sunday si c'est un événement] Sunday but I like be with my friends too, I like shopping, watch netflix and listen music ( rap, pop and french’s musics ). I like sport too ! My school is the Lamartine high school in Mâcon. I’m in 2nd6 and my class is so cool and funny ! My favorite subjects at school are Economics and English.
In the future i’d (= would) like to be a wedding planer, a journalist or be a professional rider. Mâcon is my city, there is a lot of things to do ! There are 40 000 people who are living there. I like living in this city because it’s calm but not too far of the shops and the others activities… At this period of the year, we are preparing Christmas ( « Noël » in french), it’s an important period for the French people. We will celebrate the new year too in a few months, I will do a big party with my friends ! What are you doing for the next year in your county ? And for Christmas ? Do you ask for some presents ? I’m impatient to have an other letter of you because I enjoyed the first one. I leave you with some pictures of me, my friends and my family !
Have a nice day !
Explications :
Je vais te dire ce à quoi tu dois faire attention :
- Le verbe "leave" (= quitter) et "live" (= vivre ) n'ont pas la même signification, fais attention
- N'oublie pas de rajouter un "o" à "too" sinon ça peut porter à confusion
- Le pronom personnel "je" s'écrit en majuscule, moi-même je ne sais pas pourquoi mais c'est la règle ;)
- There is = pour une seule chose
There are = pour plusieurs choses
- Tu peux dire "cause" à l'oral pour abréger mais si je ne me trompe pas tu dois écrire "because" en entier à l'écrit
- "tall" c'est plus employé pour un humain (he's tall), on a plus tendance à dire "a big party" ou "a big house"
Voilà, bonne soirée ! ;) (en espérant t'avoir éclairé sur certains points)
Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider a corriger cela stp ?
Hey !
I’m Jeanne, i’m a girl and i’m fifteen* (les profs préfèrent comme ça). I was born on* 15 july 2004. I live* in Charnay-lès-mâcon, a small town near Mâcon . I* live* in a big* house with a swimming pool ( you can use it when you come at my* home :D ! ). I have a brother and a sister who don’t live* with us* because* he is studying in an other city. So i live* with my parents ( my mom is Sandrine and my dad is Laurent ), my dog and my 2 cats ! I have a horse too* so i can* go to the riding center everyday to ride and take care of him*. Hope you like animals ! I ride horse since* 2 years and i practice jumping competition on Sunday but i like be with my friends to, i like do shopping, watching netflix, listening* music ( rap, pop and french’s musics ). I like sport too* ! My school is the Lamartine high school in Mâcon. I’m in 2nd6 grade and my class is so cool and fun ! My favorite subjects at school is Economics and English.
In the future i would* like to be a wedding planer, a journalist or be a rider pro. Mâcon is my city, there is a lot of things to do ! There is 40 000 people who are living on. I like live in this city because it’s calm but not too far of the shops and the others activities … At this period of the year, we are preparing Christmas ( « Noël » in french), it’s an important period for french peoples. We will celebrate the new year too* in a few month, i will do a big* party with my friends ! What do you do for the next year in your county ? And for Christmas ? Do you ask for some presents ? I’m impatient to have an other letter of you because* i enjoy the first one. I let you with some pictures of me, my friends and my family !
Have a nice day !
J'ai corrigé avec des * / Traduis les chiffres en lettres les profs apprécient et bonne nuit !
Hey !
I’m Jeanne, i’m a girl and i’m fifteen* (les profs préfèrent comme ça). I was born on* 15 july 2004. I live* in Charnay-lès-mâcon, a small town near Mâcon . I* live* in a big* house with a swimming pool ( you can use it when you come at my* home :D ! ). I have a brother and a sister who don’t live* with us* because* he is studying in an other city. So i live* with my parents ( my mom is Sandrine and my dad is Laurent ), my dog and my 2 cats ! I have a horse too* so i can* go to the riding center everyday to ride and take care of him*. Hope you like animals ! I ride horse since* 2 years and i practice jumping competition on Sunday but i like be with my friends to, i like do shopping, watching netflix, listening* music ( rap, pop and french’s musics ). I like sport too* ! My school is the Lamartine high school in Mâcon. I’m in 2nd6 grade and my class is so cool and fun ! My favorite subjects at school is Economics and English.
In the future i would* like to be a wedding planer, a journalist or be a rider pro. Mâcon is my city, there is a lot of things to do ! There is 40 000 people who are living on. I like live in this city because it’s calm but not too far of the shops and the others activities … At this period of the year, we are preparing Christmas ( « Noël » in french), it’s an important period for french peoples. We will celebrate the new year too* in a few month, i will do a big* party with my friends ! What do you do for the next year in your county ? And for Christmas ? Do you ask for some presents ? I’m impatient to have an other letter of you because* i enjoy the first one. I let you with some pictures of me, my friends and my family !
Have a nice day !
J'ai corrigé avec des * / Traduis les chiffres en lettres les profs apprécient et bonne nuit !
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