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Pouvez-vous me dire une anecdote en Anglais?

Sagot :

When i was ten, i received hundreds of threatening texts and messages, i was terrified of the threats. Mean texts appeared when i checked my phone, i always had my phone with me. It was impossible for me to escape from the terrible messages i was receiving. Then, i had ab idea, and everything stopped. I decided to control people’s access to my personal informations and i explained the situation to my parents. I deleted my facebook account, ignored mean texts and changed my phone number. That was difficult but it was the best solution

Réponse :

I'll tell you a story. One night, i woke up and i was going to make pee. I saw my dad peeling a banana and throwing the banana skin in the garbage. Then i was thinking that the garbage was the toilet so i wait for my dad to go sleep and i make pee in the garbage.But then my sister saw me and she started laughing at me. She was talking about this embarrasing story to all of her friends and at home she talked about that for a whole month. After this accident i never went to the bathroom in the night again.

Explications :

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