RĂ©ponse :
1. I need a LARGER size.
2. You look THINNER .
3. He ’s MORE INTERESTED in having a good time.
4. You’ll find your way around the town MORE EASILY
5. Can you be a bit MORE QUIET ? ( ou QUIETER ) ---> les deux sont corrects
6. It was MORE CROWDED than usual.
7. I expected you to be here EARLIER
8. Why don’t you write a bit MORE OFTEN?
9. I expected it to be much MORE EXPENSIVE.
10. I wish you lived NEARER.
1. It took me LONGER to get here THAN I expected.
2. My toothache is MORE PAINFUL THAN it was yesterday.
3. … but in fact she’s OLDER THAN she looks.
4. It’s MORE SIMPLE THAN you think.
5. You speak a lot MORE FLUENTLY THAN you did when we last met.
6. Health and happiness are MORE IMPORTANT THAN money.
7. It’s CHEAPER THAN staying in a hotel.
8. It’s HEALTHIER and MORE PEACEFUL THAN living in a town.
1. It’s A LITTLE WARMER today THAN it was yesterday.
2. Can you drive A BIT MORE SLOWLY?
; )