RĂ©ponse :
1) Campaign => An organized course of action towards a goal.
2) Candidate => A person nominated to an office for candidacy.
3) Citizen ( citoyen )=> A native or inhabitant of a country who can exercise legal rights.
4) Debate ( débat )=> A regulated discussion between people with different beliefs.
5) Democracy ( démocratie ) => A government elected by the people.
6) Electoral College ( « Collège Électoral » )=> A group of people that cast their vote for presidential candidates and other political issues.
7) Exit poll ( sondage "de sortie des urnes" )=> A survey taken from a sample of voters when they live a polling place
8) General Elections => A regular election involving all or most voters from a state or the country.
9) Landslide ( un raz-de-marée )=> An overwhelming majority of votes for a candidate, party, or issue.
10) Nominee ( candidat officiel )=> Someone who seeks to or is nominated for an office position.
11) Party ( parti )=> A collection of ideas, people, and influences represented by a core group
12) Platform ( programme ) => The representation of views people have on certain issues.
13) Primary ( une primaire )=> A meeting of registered voters of a political party to nominate candidates and discuss issues