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1)Beth is on the phone.She wants you to come with Beth to the library
2)I love the train!I am going to take the train to go to the capital
3)Oh....You need a car?Well, take my car if you want
4)Whar about john?Have you ever considered helping John
5)Don't touch this book!It our book
1) Beth is on the phone. She wants you to come with her to the library. 2) I love the train ! I am going to take it to go to the capital. 3) Oh...You need a car ? Well, take mine if you want. 4) What about John ? Have you ever considered helping him ? 5) Don’t touch this book ! It’s ours.
Votre participation nous est précieuse. Continuez à partager des informations et des solutions. Cette communauté se développe grâce aux contributions incroyables de membres comme vous. Faites de votre ressource principale pour des réponses fiables. Nous vous attendons pour plus de solutions.