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Write an article on the occasion of the celebration of Canada Day showing what makes Canada unique

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History of Canada Day

In Canada, the national holiday is celebrated on July 1.

Canadians across the country and around the world show pride in their history, culture and accomplishments. It is a day of celebration where many festivities have been held from coast to coast, and have been since 1868.

The establishment of Canada Day

July 1, 1867: The British North America Act (now the Constitution Act, 1867) gave birth to Canada.

June 20, 1868: Governor General Lord Monck signs a proclamation enjoining all His Majesty's subjects across Canada to celebrate July 1.

The year 1879: A federal law made July 1 a statutory holiday under the designation "Anniversary of Confederation" which was later called "Dominion Day".

October 27, 1982: On July 1, “Dominion Day” becomes mandatory “Canada Day”.

The start of the celebrations

July 1, 1917: The 50th anniversary of Confederation. The Parliament Building, then under construction, is dedicated to the Fathers of Confederation and to the courage of the Canadians who fought in Europe during the First World War.

July 1, 1927: The 60th anniversary of Confederation. The Peace Tower carillon is inaugurated. A cornerstone was also laid at the Confederation Building on Wellington Street by the then Governor General, Viscount Willingdon.

From 1958 to 1968: The government organizes the national holiday festivities each year, which it entrusts to the Secretary of State of Canada. The usual schedule includes an afternoon flag salute on the lawn of Parliament Hill, a twilight ceremony in the evening, followed by a concert of military music and fireworks.

July 1, 1967: The 100th anniversary of Confederation. Parliament Hill is the setting for a large-scale ceremony attended by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

From 1968 to 1979: (except for the year 1976): A great multicultural spectacle is presented on Parliament Hill. This concert is broadcast across the country. Major celebrations (under the name “Festival Canada”) are held in the National Capital Region throughout the month of July. These include many cultural, artistic and sporting activities, as well as the participation of various municipalities and voluntary associations.

From 1980 to 1983: A new formula is developed. In addition to the festivities on Parliament Hill, the National Committee (a group tasked by the federal government with planning Canada's birthday celebrations) is beginning to encourage and financially support the establishment, across Canada, of local festivals. “Start-up funds” are then distributed to support popular activities and performances organized by groups of volunteers in hundreds of communities. Interested organizations can apply for the Celebrate Canada program.

1981: Fireworks light up the skies of 15 major Canadian cities, a tradition that continues to this day.

1984: The National Capital Commission (NCC) receives the mandate to organize Canada Day festivities in the capital.

2010: The festivities on Parliament Hill receive royal treatment when Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh join the party to celebrate Canada's 143rd birthday.

2011: Their Royal Highnesses, Prince William and Catherine, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge participate in the Canada Day festivities on Parliament Hill on the occasion of Canada's 144th birthday.

2014: Canadian Heritage organizes the 147th Canada Day. As Canada's 150th anniversary approaches in 2017, the government gave the department the mandate to organize Canada Day celebrations in the capital.

2017: A wide range of activities are taking place across the country to mark the 150th anniversary of Confederation in Canada. The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall are taking part in Canada Day festivities for the first time on Parliament Hill to celebrate this important anniversary with Canadians.

Date Modified: 2020-06-08

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