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1) This document is an excerpt from the novel the bluest eye by toni morrisons, published in 1970

2) In the text we can see that the narrator has a problem with the sterns, because he says that he is afraid of the eyes of the stern that was offered to him, moreover she mistreats the doll she dismembers her, whereas normally have cherished we protect her stern. At the end of the text we understand that the narrator does not really hate dolls, but dolls with white pink skin with blue eyes, yellow hair, because everyone loves these characteristics, while she is a black girl, so we can deduce that she thinks that if she does not have these characteristics we will not like her , which may justify his violent behavior towards the doll.

3) Adults wait to see the happy narrator in the 7th heaven, because all the girls love the sterns, especially the one with pink skin with blue eyes, yellow hair. But in the end he ends up being shocked by the narrator's violent reaction to the doll.

4) The narrator expresses her unique desire, which is "I had only one desire, to dismember him", this statement follows the grief felt by the narrator when she sees the sterns that should bring her pleasure when they only manage to bring her an affliction.
Text2 :

1) This document is an online article, belong to a non-commercial organization, written by Angela Carone on February 26, 2015.

2) The Helms family, is a mixed family because the mother is an African-American black skins, the white father of skins, and their 2 daughters Nina and Naia mixed skins. The parents of Nina and Naia, have chosen to buy their daughters babies of all colors possible, to be able to represent all the members of the family with their diversity of skins, but also to be able to familiarize them with the different colors of skins that exist.

3) At the Mingei International Museum in Balboa Park. Examples of handmade black dolls from the mid-1800s are on display. These are made by African-American women probably for family members. "Vintage photographs in the exhibition show white children holding black dolls often with love" were found, these photos may surprise because at that time the persons of black skins were made slave is despise, so one would expect the white children to play with these dolls by raping them and not by holding them with love.

Conclusion :
In both texts, we can observe that children are offered pigs of different skins from their own. But we see a surprising difference in reaction. Indeed, in the first text the narrator of black skins behaves with hostility and violence towards the white doll, while we could have expected a reaction of joy of protection towards the stern because it returns the ideal characteristics that society defends. Moreover, the 2nd text also surprises because the children of white colors treats with love the black-colored breasts, while we are in an era of black person slavery, so we would have expected to see the white children violently treats black sterns because at that time society sends a contemptuous image towards black populations.

Sagot :

RĂ©ponse :

its perfect the spelling, grammar and the meaning i love you paragraphs great job. Hope it helps have an ansomeeeee day :)

Explications :

1) This document is an extract from a novel named “the bluest eye by toni morrisons”, published in 1970

2) In the text we can see that the narrator has a problem with the sterns, because he says that he is afraid of the eyes of the stern that was offered to him, moreover she mistreats the doll she dismembers her, whereas normally have cherished we protect her stern. At the end of the text we understand that the narrator does not really hate dolls, but dolls with white pink skin with blue eyes, yellow hair, because everyone loves these characteristics, while she is a black girl, so we can deduce that she thinks that if she does not have these characteristics we will not like her , which may justify his violent behavior towards the doll.

3) Adults wait to see the happy narrator in the 7th heaven, because all the girls love the sterns, especially the one with pink skin with blue eyes, yellow hair. But at the end , he ends up being shocked by the narrator's violent reaction to the doll.

4) The narrator expresses her unique desire, which is "I had only one desire, to dismember him", this statement follows the grief felt by the narrator when she sees the sterns that should bring her pleasure when they only manage to bring her an affliction.
Text2 :

1) This document is an online article, belong to a non-commercial organization, written by Angela Carone on February 26, 2015.

2) The Helms family, is a mixed family because the mother is an African-American black skins, the white father of skins, and their 2 daughters Nina and Naia mixed skins. The parents of Nina and Naia, have chosen to buy their daughters babies of all colors possible, to be able to represent all the members of the family with their diversity of skins, but also to be able to familiarize them with the different colors of skins that exist.

3) At the Mingei International Museum in Balboa Park. Examples of handmade black dolls from the mid-1800s are on display. These are made by African-American women probably for family members. "Vintage photographs in the exhibition show white children holding black dolls often with love" were found, these photos may surprise because at that time the persons of black skins were made slave is despise, so one would expect the white children to play with these dolls by raping them and not by holding them with love.

Conclusion :
In both texts, we can observe that children are offered pigs of different skins from their own. But we see a surprising difference in reaction. Indeed, in the first text the narrator of black skins behaves with hostility and violence towards the white doll, while we could have expected a reaction of joy of protection towards the stern because it returns the ideal characteristics that society defends. Moreover, the 2nd text also surprises because the children of white colors treats with love the black-colored breasts, while we are in an era of black person slavery, so we would have expected to see the white children violently treats black sterns because at that time society sends a contemptuous image towards black populations.
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