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Bonjoir pouvez vous m'aider à répondre à ses question svp (ps he suis nul en anglais :ses du niveau 4 ème)
1 Where are Eiffel Tower and CN Towen ?
2. When were the buipt ?
3. How Height
are they?
4. How moung people visit them per year ?
5 What recond did the CN Tower hold until 2009

Sagot :

Réponse : I Got You Fame!

Explications :

-1 Questions: The Eiffel Tower was in Paris,and the CN Towen where at Toronto at canada.

-2 Questions: Eiffel Tower Build in 1889 and The CN Towen 1976

-3 Questions: Eiffel Tower at 324 m and The CN Towen at 523 m

-4 Questions: The Eiffel visited 7 millions people an a year and The CN Towen at 1,5 million people per year

-5 Questions: The CN Tower held the record for the world's tallest free-standing structure for 32 year

                                     Hop That Help You!

Réponse : -1 : The Eiffel Tower is in Paris, and the CN Tower is in Toronto in Canada.

-2 : The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 and The CN Tower was built in 1976.

-3 : The Eiffel Tower is 324 m tall and The CN Tower is 523 m tall .

-4 : The Eiffel Tower is visited by 7 millions peoples in a year and The CN Tower is visited by 1,5 million peoples in a year (normally )

-5 : The CN Tower held the record of the world's tallest , free-standing structure for 32 years .

Explications :