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Bonjourestce Que Vous Pouvez Maider Sil Vous Plaît Merci class=

Sagot :


a)She is not jumping at the moments.

b)Are they painting the room now?

c)He is driving to work now.

d)Look!The squirel is hiding a hazelnut in the ground.

e)Who is listening to the radio now.

f)Teachers are not giving any homework today.


Note:Present Continuous Tense always put "ing" in the end of the verb for example:

i am eating

you are eating

he is eating

she is eating

it is eating

we are eating

they are eating


Bonsoir j'espère que vous allez bien :)


a)She is not jumping at the moments.

b)Are they painting the room now?

c)He is driving to work now.

d)Look!The squirel is hiding a hazelnut in the ground.

e)Who is listening to the radio now.

f)Teachers are not giving any homework today.

En français :

a)Elle ne saute pas en ce moment.

b) Peignent-ils la chambre maintenant ?

c) Il se rend au travail en voiture maintenant.

d) Regarde ! L'écureuil cache une noisette dans le sol.

e) Qui écoute la radio maintenant.

f) Les professeurs ne donnent pas de devoirs aujourd'hui.