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Aidez moi a faire les questions 2 et 3 Grace au texte , c'est noter pour demain , merci d'avance ..

Aidez Moi A Faire Les Questions 2 Et 3 Grace Au Texte Cest Noter Pour Demain Merci Davance class=
Aidez Moi A Faire Les Questions 2 Et 3 Grace Au Texte Cest Noter Pour Demain Merci Davance class=

Sagot :

Tu peux dire:
Question 2: There is way more mobile phones than computers in the world (2 billion mobile phones for 900 millions computers), which means that the population are using phones more than computers. There is approximately a third of the population, which is huge, using mobile phones. Then, thanks to the percentage, we can see that the teenagers are using their phones for texts or Internet mostly, but rarely for making phone calls.
Question 3: MoSoSo is a term to design applications for mobile phones, mostly social applications like Facebook, Tumblr, etc. MoSoSo applications are being developed because in the world, 2 billion mobile phones are used, which is enormous, and knowing that people are nowadays using phones more often then
computers to connect to the Internet, they needed to adapt to their clients.
je ne sais pas c'est compliqué

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