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The first time Dunbar came to the village was back last summer. He had found a wounded woman by the river.

She had a bad wound on the side of her head and since he couldn't revive her he decided it
was better to take her back to the village.

At that time he felt very lonely.

He had not heard from his commander for months and he no longer knew what he was doing there.

Previously, when the commander had offered him to keep the outpost at the frontier he had seen it as an opportunity to be alone with his own thoughts.

However, soon the solitude of his life had become inhuman and only the daily visit of the wolf had taken him away from madness.

But, now that he came to know the Indians he knew that he belonged there, in the Prairie.

Sagot :

j'ai déplacé 1 mot ds la 1ère phrase : soit c'est une fte de frappe, soit tu l'as fait tt seul soit JE me plante !
The first time Dunbar came BACK to the village was last summer. He had found a wounded woman by the river.She had a bad wound at the side of her head and since he couln't revive her, he decided it would be better to take her back to the village.Previously, when the commander offered him to keep the outpost at the frontier, he was seeing ( je sais j'ai changé, et je pense que c'est mieux le 1er est sur l'instant et le 2ème sur la durée et y a que les "imbéciles" pour être poli qui changent pas d'avis!!!)  it as an opportunity to be alone.However,soon  the solitude of his life was becoming inhuman and only the daily visit of the wolf was taking him away from madness. He wasn't(hadn't  been -si t'as appris le past perfect continuous) hearing from his commander from months and he no longer knew what he was doing there.At that time he felt very lonely.. But now that he was coming (ou came.....je sais +trop) to know the Indians, he knew that he was belonging there to the Prairie.

en fait je me souviens plus trop des consignes : c'était prétérit ou plus que parfait en ING. Si c'est  +ing, il faut ,utiliser l'auxilliaire "be", si tu peux mettre "ED" alors c'est "have". Je pense que les phrases sont dans l'ordre. Forcément ça change certains prétérit et plus que parfait (mais je sais pas si par + que parfait tu veux dire past perfect( have +pp en ed) ou past continuous (be +pp en ing ou past perfect continuous (have +been+pp en ING)

Dis -moi en pv ce que t'en penses