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Bonjour aidez moi svp
1. Form the questions + answer the questions:
a) What - Sally Ride - to graduate in - ?
b) Where – Oprah Winfrey – to be born - ?
c) Maya Angelou - to fight for civils’ rights - ?
d) Where – Kathryn Bigelow - to study - ?
e) What – Simone Veil – to be like - ?
f) What – Sally Ride’s job – to be?
g) Who – to go to space first?
2. Form sentences:
a) Sally Ride is very smart and hard-working because she ……………….. (to go) to Stanford
University and she ……………… (to earn) a degree in Physics in the 20th century.
b) She ……………. (not – to be) the first woman who ……… (to fly) in space.
c) Simone Veil ………………. (to fight) for women’s right, she …………….. (not – to win) a
Nobel Prize, it ……….. (to be) Marie Curie ………. (to win) one in the 1910s.
d) Maya Angelou …..………. (to die) on May 28, 2014.
e) Kathryn Bigelow ……………. (not - to receive) an Award for best actress but she ………..
(to get) one for best director in 2008

Sagot :

Bonsoir ;)

RĂ©ponse :

a) What did Sally Ride do to graduate in ?

b) Where was Oprah Winfrey born ?

c) Did Maya Angelou fight for civil rights ?

d) Where did Katheryn Bigelow study ?

e) What is Simone Veil like ?

f) What's the job of  Sally Ride ?

g) Who went to space first ?

a) went, earned

b) isn't, flayed

c) fought,  didn't win a Noble prize, was, that won

d) died,

e) did not or didn't, got one for the best director in 2008.


This should help you ;D

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