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I will to present my sister, she's 16 years old , she was born on 18 June 1998 in Auxerre . She is 1.71 meters. The eye color are brown. She is French but of Turkish origin. She has two passports. A Turkish passport whose date of issue is July 30, 2013 and the expiration date is July 30, 2018. Her French passport is valid from 9 December 2013 until December 8, 2018. His French identity card is valid from October 2, 2008 until October 2018. And her Turkish identity card was issued July 30, 2013.

She loves listening to music , her favorite style is pop, arabesque and rap. She also likes to watch TV , go shopping with her ​​friends. She prefers to travel only read books. His food she loves most is " fried-kebab ", she does not like that we give him orders. She does not like you are playing with his phone.

Sagot :

i want to present my sister , sh is 16 years old , she was born on 18 june 1998 in auxerre. she is 1.71 meters. they eyeS  are brown (pas besoin de mettre color) . She is French but she had Turkish origin. she has 2 passports. Aturkish passport whose date of issue is july 30 2013 and the expiration date is july 30 2018 [...]
She also likes watch TV .
i will want to...
there eyes are Brown colored...
a turkish passport who date bact to ...
she loves listening music...
she prefers to travel only and reading  books...
she's favorite food is fried-kebab...
she don't likes orders...
she don't like to share his phone...