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Text Marketing for Food Trucks
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The overall industry revenue of food trucks has grown 300% in the last three years. Food truck growth is even outpacing overall commercial foodservice, such as restaurants, at a growth of 5.4 percent versus 4.3 percent! But they haven’t stopped there.
The rise of gourmet food trucks has taken fine dining out of the white tablecloth and china era and instead put it on wheels. In short, food trucks have taken what people thought about the restaurant industry and turned it on its head in the best way possible. And its unparalleled growth is only the beginning.
The moral of the delicious story is, food trucks are hot right now. And they show no sign of slowing down. To keep up with the demand it’s important for your food truck to find new and nimble ways to reach your audience with effective marketing techniques. Social media is great, but it’s not the quickest way to reach folks.
For food trucks, it’s important for your marketing strategy to incorporate the following attributes:
Text marketing is one of the best ways for a food truck marketing strategy to successfully hit all of these goals!
Why Does Text Marketing Work So Well With Food Trucks?
It’s no secret that most people keep their phones within arms length at all times. In fact, research has shown that Americans check their phone on average once every 12 minutes! When it comes to texts, around 95% of the messages sent are read within 3 minutes!
With that kind of response rate, think about the possibilities:
Drive customers to your truck during slow periods with time sensitive offers
Share mouthwatering photos of your specials that look too good to resist
Take advantage of the element of surprise by sending texts sharing your location for a limited time
Reach food truck’s most active audience (millennials) who favor texting over every other communication medium
SMS is a great tool for driving revenue for your food truck by helping you…
Increase foot traffic
Echance brand awareness
Increase offer redemption and CTR
Improve customer engagement
If this feels too good to be true we wouldn’t blame you. We’ll show you how these outcomes are made possible with some example texts.
Six Examples of Food Truck Text Marketing Messages
Eager to see what your content could look like in action? Here are some examples of texts that any food truck could start sending as an easy introduction to the tool.
1. Send coupons or discounts
Invite customers to come by your food truck by extending exclusive coupons to members of your text club. Because texts are read so quickly, this is the perfect tool to drive traffic to your truck during notoriously slow periods.
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