Réponse : WEIRD JOBS
1- It's dangerous because the golf ball Diver may be injured (blessé) by crocodiles or iron pieces.
2- The Smell Testor have to work with 60 (sixteen) different odors three time per hour.
3- The Hair Boiler is considered to be the worst job as you must stand beside a big pan to turn animal hair into false human hair.
4- If I want a comfortable job, I should be a Furniture Tester. All we have to do it's sit on a armchair.
5- As Japon is a country of hard-workers, no one should arrive late. So, the Professional Pushers are here to push people into trains.
6- It's in Iran that people employ Car Plate Blocker to reduce congestion on the roads.
7-You would need a Professional Mourner if nobody cares about you. It's a person who pretend to cry at your funeral.
8- Choisis le métier que t'aimerai faire et explique pourquoi.
Exemple: I would love to be a Furniture Tester because I'm a little bit lazy. In addition, it looks very easy to do this job.
ou : I would love to be a Professional Mourner as it looks so funny to do this job. Plus, I'm pretty sure I will make a great actor.
9-Choisis le métier que tu n'aimerai pas faire et explique pourquoi.
Exemple: I would never perform as Golf Ball Diver because it seems too dangerous and difficult.
10- I think the most difficult job is the Professional Pusher as it seems impossible to make it fit so many people in a train.
11-I think the best is Furniture Tester as you have to do practically nothing and you'll be pay for this.
12-I know a weird job which it isn't strange as the others but it is uncanny anyway. This job is Dog-sitter, you pay to watch cuty dogs.
Golf Ball Diver: brave, athletic
Smell Tester: careful, have a great memory
Hair Boiler: patient
Furniture tester: relevant
Professionel Pusher: persistant, strong
Car Plate Blocker: observer
Professional Mourner: good actor