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Transform these sentences into the passive voice.

1. Amy Jones killed Brian O'Neill. →

2. The detectives found
footprints in the apartment. →.

3. Megan sent a letter to Julie. →
4. Mrs Kat Perry and Ryan Bossling heard a big bang. →

5. Julie Logan arrested the murderer. →

Sagot :



Réponse :

1. Amy Jones killed Brian O'Neill.

→ Brian O'Neill was killed by Amy Jones.

2. The detectives found footprints in the apartment.

→ Footprints were found ( by the detectives ) in the apartment

3. Megan sent a letter to Julie.

→ A letter was sent ( by Megan ) to Julie.

4. Mrs. Kat Perry and Ryan Bossling heard a big bang.

→ A big bang was heard by Mrs. Kat Perry and Ryan Bossling.

5. Julie Logan arrested the murderer.

→ The murderer was arrested by Julie Logan.

Explications :

Passif :

Be ( au temps de la voix active ) + participe passé

Les phrases sont au prétérit donc : was/were + participe passé

N'hésite pas si tu as des questions ;)