This document is a newpaper article from first new published in july 2006. It is about if britain will get the euro.
a) The European currency
b) the british people accept the idea
The Euro passes test
c) economy
3)a) Righ ( L1-2 "It's a single currency that was introduced on 1 january 2002 to create a more unified Europe)
b) Je sais pas :)
C) Wrong (L3-4 " The contries were given until the end of February 2002 to stop using their previous currency end completely change over)
d) Wrong (Some places had more trouble than others adjusting to the change l5-6)
e) Right ( The tests include making sure that the Euro would provide plenty of jobs for british people )
f) Right ( That any decision on the Euro is a long way off)
Le deuxième
can't/ must/ can/ should
J'ai fait ce que j'ai pu :)