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Pour me corriger svp ! dite moi si sa veut dire quelque chose et sinon pour corriger la ou c'est pas bon :)

In this picture we can see a ship was sinking,a tiger of bengal was swimming and a biy was giving a lifebuoy to the tiger. This boy is Pi, he was in a lifeboat. Pi and the tiger was alone, without their family.

Sagot :

In this picture, you can see a boat sinking, a Bengali Tiger (a tiger of Bengal) swimming and a boy giving a life line to the tiger. PI, the boy's name,was in a life boat, alone......après je comprends pas trop: Si je traduis ta phrase ça donne sa : pi et le tigre est (si c'est pluriel = were) seul sans leur famille.
Tu veux dire que Pi était seul, sans sa famille ds le cannot de sauvetage. Pourquoi tu dis and the tiger.....ils sont copains ????
2 solutions :
Pi , the boy's name,and the tiger were alone in the lifeboat.
Pi, the boy's name, was alone, in the life boat, without his family....??????