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Across 1 3 11 Body. (7) 10 Excretory System 13 2. Storage organ for urine is the urinary ________(7) 3. Relating to the kidneys. (5) 5. Largest organ of the body. (4) 7. Organs that excrete carbon dioxide. (5) 11. System that makes urine. (7) 12. Sweat and urine contain excess water, excess Curea and uric acid. (4) 13. Tube between urinary bladder and outside of 12 Down 9 1. Urea and acid are nitrogenous wastes. (4) 2. Excretion is the removal of wastes that have travelled in the at same time (5) 4. Small filtering unit of the kidney. (7) 6. Organs that filter blood. (7) 8. Uquid excreted by skin. (5) 9. Tube between kidney and urinary bladder. (6) 10. Organ that detoxifies the body of poisons such as alcohol (5)
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