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The Idea of Progress - Bac

Bonjour, est ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger s'il vous plaît ?

Introduction :

I'm going to talk about the notion of “The idea of progress”. To start with, I would like to give a definition of this notion : The Idea of Progress is the idea that the different advances in technology, science, and social organization can produce an improvement in the human condition. That is, people can become happier in terms of quality of life, through economic development, and the application of science and technology.
Progress shakes the customs and traditions so that it's often the subject of concern regarding its possible consequences. Throughout history most of the advances have been positive. However over the last few decades some people start to question this progress.
We may wonder, is progress always positive?
My presentation will fall into two parts : First, I will concentrate on positive and negative aspects of progress through social networks and then through media and journalism.

Development :

Firstly, the creation of social networks have advantages and drawbacks as we can see with “A new country”, a press article by India Currents, published in 2011 and “Teens online” a press article by The San Francisco Gate, published in 2009.
In the first press article, the journalist compares Facebook to a new country because people are so engrossed by the world of Facebook that they can't think of everything else, you can feel that they're elsewhere. He's afraid of people forgetting about the real life. That virtual life take over people's real life. In the second press article, instead of talking to his new roommate directly, Maxwell Wallace use Facebook to see which kind of roommate he will have at the University.
Therefore, taking the example of Facebook, on the one hand you can meeting like-minded new friends and rediscovering long-lost friends so it's a great communication tool, you can also use it to relax and escape from real life but on the other hand, it may be a way to avoid facing problems and solving them, you may escape your responsibility and it can become addictive. Also, you mustn’t forget to restrain yourself in order to respect others and protect yourself because information on the Internet can be potential obstacle to your future, they never disappears and are dangerous.

Secondly, according to “Is new media killing journalism ?”, a press article by Charlie Beckett and published in 2008, the progress, the invention of new technologies such as smartphones and tablets have enabled people to become actor in media freedom.
Now, the media are not any more restricted to the circle of the journalists but all citizens can play a role in the media. The author clearly say that we have more information, debate and reporting of our world than ever before. Moreover, thanks to internet, information travels faster than before. News is exponentially faster, fuller and more accessible. For example, the use of camera phones by citizens, allows them to capture news as it happens and sending it to news organizations around the world. This produced the images of demonstrations by monks in Tibet or police beatings in Zimbabwe that would otherwise have been out of the range of the professional photographers' lens. The author say that is media freedom.
But there are drawbacks to new media, there is a lot of false information available or media can focus on one aspect of the news and thus influence the population, it could also be intrusive our private life.

Conclusion :

As a conclusion, we can say that progress is neither all positive or all negative. It has different aspects and different impacts.
In my opinion, to avoid the impact of progress, as the fact of spending too much time on social networks and forget about real world instead of socializing in real life for example, parents should warn their children of Internet dangers and control their use of it.

Sagot :

I'm going to talk about the notion of “The idea of progress”. To start with, I would like to give a definition of this notion : Progress is the idea that the different advances in technology, science, and social organization can produce an improvement in the human condition. That is, people can become happier in terms of quality of life, through economic development, and the application of science and technology.
Progress shakes ( or shapes?) customs and traditions so that it's often the subject of concern regarding its possible consequences. Throughout history most of the advances have been positive. However over the last few decades some people start to question this progress. 
We may wonder, is progress always positive?
My presentation will fall into two parts : First, I will concentrate on positive and negative aspects of progress through social networks and then in the second part through media and journalism.

Development :

Firstly (first is a better option), the creation of social networks have advantages and drawbacks as we can see with “A new country”, a press article by India Currents, published in 2011 and “Teens online” a press article by The San Francisco Gate, published in 2009.
In the first press article, the journalist compares Facebook to a new country because people are so engrossed by the world of Facebook that they can't think of anything else, you can feel that they're elsewhere. He's afraid of the possibility of people forgetting about the real life. That virtual life is taking over people's real life. In the second press article, instead of talking to his new roommate directly, Maxwell Wallace uses Facebook to find out the kind of roommate he will have at the University.
Therefore, taking the example of Facebook, on the one hand you can meet like-minded new friends and rediscovering long-lost friends so it's a great communication tool, you can also use it to relax and escape from real life but on the other hand, it may be a way to avoid facing problems or solving them, you may escape your responsibility and it can also become addictive. Also, you mustn’t forget to restrain yourself in order to respect others and protect yourself because information on the Internet can be potential obstacle to your future, they never disappears and are dangerous. (you have to restrain yourself from hurting others by ensuring you respect everyone. Also to keep note of is the fact that you have to watch out for yourself as the internet can put future prospects at risk because of information you post in it-it never goes away.)

Secondly, according to “Is new media killing journalism ?”, (no need of comma after the another punctuation mark in a quotation) a press article by Charlie Beckett, published in 2008, the progress in the invention of new technologies such as smartphones and tablets has enabled people to become actors in media freedom.
Now, the media is not any longer restricted to the circle of the journalists but all citizens can play a role in the media. The author clearly says that we have more information, debates and reporting of our world than ever before. Moreover, thanks to internet, information travels faster than before. News is exponentially faster, fuller and more accessible. For example, the use of camera phones by citizens, allows them to capture news as it happens and sending it to news organizations around the world. This produced the images of the demonstrations by monks in Tibet and police beatings (brutality) in Zimbabwe that would otherwise have been out of the range of the professional photographers' lenses. The author says that media is freedom.
But there are drawbacks to new media such as a lot of false information going around, media bias in which focus is laid on one aspect of the news thus influencing the population and intrusion into people's private life.

Conclusion :

As a conclusion, we can say that progress is neither all positive or all negative. It has different aspects and different impacts. 
In my opinion, to avoid the negative impact of progress such as spending too much time on social networks, forgetting about real world instead of socializing in real life, parents should warn their children of Internet dangers and control their use of it.

Note: have a look at the words that have been deleted and portions of sentences that have been changed.
 Also look at the use of commas.

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