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Oral bac notion Spaces and exchanges

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I will talk about the notion spaces and exchanges. This concept deals with the geographical areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men, but here, I will talk about the ideas exchanged by using the freedom of speech. If I had to define what freedom of speach is, I would say that it's the right to express oneself or whatever we wants to say. This issue can be illustrated by Speaker's Corner, in Hyde Park, London. Indeed, speaker's corner is a site for public speeches and debates on the open air. In this place, anyone can turn up and talk on almost any subject with the crowd. The oraters and the onlookers just have to respect the codes of conduct. This place was a public place used for exectutions. People where be hanged there, up to 24 people could by hanged at a time. Before dying the criminal could say a word. Hence this place today as an open public debate.
We may wonder is freedom of speech always a good thing ? In a first time, we will see a good impact of free speech and in a second, it's bad impact.
First of all, it is commonly said that having a voice is crucial for a democracy. Effectively, it's with that, that we can say what we want nowadays. No changes would have ever happened if of our ancestors didn't have the right to express themeselves. In a word, words change the world. Let's take the example of Badinter, this famous lawlyer who had been fighting against the death penalty. If he hadn't spoken maybe this sentence would be practised nowadays. His speeches have helped to change the law and the society.
Contrary to what we have seen on the first part, free speech can also have a negative effect. It can be dangerous if some poeple don't share the same opinion such as what happened to the jews during the wars. Indeed, with some hates speeches of Hitler, Germany had kill the jews. The words can influence people behaviour and incite us to do some monstrous things.Then, nowadays, it can be dangerous if we express ourselves on the web. We can have some troubles for the same reason that I just say : some people aren't tolerent, and don't understand the other opinion.
To conclude, it's necessary to keep in mind and say that having a voice can be something precious bu perillous too ! All things discussed, I am conviced that freedom of speech is a natural right which os essential to be happy and free. We could argue that speaking one's words may be a little dangerous, that the power of words is something that can cause a lot evil, a dangerous weapon indeed. As the sayings of Sharmer goes" Words can inspire. And word can destroy. Choose yours well" That's my conclusion.

Sagot :

I will talk about the notion spaces and exchanges. This concept deals with the geographical areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men, but here, I will talk about the ideas exchanged by using the freedom of speech. If I had to define what freedom of speech is, I would say that it's the right to express oneself with whatever we want to say. This issue can be illustrated by Speaker's Corner, in Hyde Park, London. Indeed, speaker's corner is a site for public speeches and debates on the open air. In this place, anyone can turn up and talk on almost any subject with the crowd. The oraters and the onlookers just have to respect the codes of conduct. This place was a public place used for executions. People were hanged there, up to 24 people could be hanged at a time. Before dying the criminal could say a word. Hence this made the place today be used as an open public debate arena
We may wonder: Is freedom of speech always a good thing? In the first part, we will see the good impact of free speech and in a second, it's bad impact. 
First of all, it is commonly said that having a voice is crucial for democracy. Effectively, it's with it, that we can speak our minds nowadays. No changes would have ever happened if of our ancestors didn't have the right to express themselves. In a word, words change the world (nice). Let's take the example of Badinter, this famous lawyer who had been fighting against the death penalty. If he hadn't spoken maybe this sentence would be being practiced nowadays. His speeches have helped to change the law and the society. 
Contrary to what we have seen on the first part, free speech can also have a negative effect. It can be dangerous if some people don't share the same opinion such as what happened to the Jews during the wars. Indeed, with because of the hate speeches of Hitler, Germans had killed the Jews. Words (don't use 'the' as you are speaking about words in general) can influence people behavior and incite us to do some monstrous things.Then, nowadays, it can be dangerous if we express ourselves on the web. We can get into trouble  for the same reason that I just say : some people aren't tolerant, and don't understand other's opinion. 
To conclude, it's necessary to keep in mind that having a voice can be something precious but perilous too ! with all the things discussed, I am convinced that freedom of speech is a natural right which is essential to be happy and free. We could argue that speaking one's mind may be a little dangerous, that the power of words is something that can cause a lot evil, a dangerous weapon indeed. As the sayings of Sharmer goes" Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well" That's my conclusion. 
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