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Notion/Places and forms of power
Etant en Terminale S, je vais donc bientôt passer mes oraux de langue sur les notions.
Mon professeur ne corrigeant pas nos notions, j'aurais donc besoin d'aide pour corriger mes erreurs afin de ne pas apprendre un texte rempli de fautes...
Merci pour votre aide.
I'm going to deal with the notion places and forms of power.
First let me define quickly this notion : in politics or social science is the ability to influence people's behaviour. In order to live together members of a community accept rules and laws. This helps create social cohesion but can lead to tension and conflict.
The USA is often called a gun nation for several reasons. The main reason is that in most States in America it's legal to own a firearm as a method of self defense as it is written in the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.
That's why we can ask what are the differents forms of power in USA?
To illustrate this notion, i choose to speak in first time about the power of gun then about the nuclear in the U.S.A
So now we see the dangerous effects about the power of guns.
I will talk about the document Bill Clinton's quote.
Columbine refers to Columbine High School in 1999 in Colorado. Two teenagers who were quite socially isolated, and suffering from a lack of popularity started a fatal shooting at their school.
They killed in cold blood students and teachers to take their revenfe. They had an easy access to weapons at their home. Lot of tragedy about gun use arrived in America. That's why bill clinton want to gather the Americans and said the best there is to see about their nation and human nature
Then we talk about the extract from the film Bowling for Columbine from 2002. In once scene, we can see the director of the movie michael Moore. He going to a a bank that offers an unusual deal. The bank offers a gun for each customer who opens a bank account . So it's means newbank account equals free gun
The customer fills in a form asking questions and if the form is correctly answered the customer can go out right away of the bank with new firearm.
So weapons can be bought along with bank accounts. If a bank wants to attract new clients the best option is to offer them guns.
We know that American have the nuclear arms.This type of arms can be illustrate in the document defended to Death. This is a photomontage by Peter Kennard and dates back 1983.
It represents the planet Earth wearing a gas mask. On the left eye the American flag is represented and on the right the English flag. The mouth is full of nuclear missiles.
The nuclear missiles are clear to reference to the arms race in which Us and UK were involved in.
The mask may remind us of the Vietnam war. The title might refer to the attitude of the US govemment during this war : because they pretending to defend the Vietnamese people whereas they bombarded the population with this arms.
The Earth seems to vomit there arms suggesting that enough is enough. And seems to there is too many nuclear weapons have been uses on this planet. This montageshows the devastating consequences of the using of nucelars arms.
There is the power of death over life .That is illustrate with the document « The Death Penalty in the U.S.A » . This is a map of the U.S.A and showing the current death penalty status for each state.
The vast majority of the country, so 32 states use the death penalty, and only 10 do not apply death penalty. That show that American is a country who use often the death penalty.
To conclude, we can say that in America, there exist differents forms of power, the arms can incarn a form of power, with the guns and nuclears arms. But there is too the power of death over life. According to me we should be prudent about the using of this arms, and do not use too always.
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