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L'année passé je suis partit en Italie avec mon grand frère. Nous somme partie en avion et nous domme resté là-bas 2 semaines. Tout d'abord nous avons pris l'avion le soir . Il fesait très noire et on pouvait apercevoir des fenêtres des magnifique étoiles, le ciel était d'une très belle couleur. C'était vraiment beaux .
Quand nous somme arriver nous sommes aller a l' hôtel .
Pendant les deux semaines nous avons visiter la tour de pis et plein d'autre monument. Nous somme souvent partit au restaurant , leurs nourriture était tres bonne surtout leurs pizza . Nous sommes aussi allez fair du shoping . J'ai vraiment apprécier ces merveilleux jours et j'aimerais beaucoup les repassée.

Sagot :

The past year I went to Italy with my big brother. We are part domme plane and we stayed there two weeks. First we flew at night. It fesait very dark and we could see the windows of beautiful stars, the sky was a beautiful color. It was really beautiful.
When we arrive we go sum to hotel.
During the two weeks we visit the tower udder and many other monument. We are often left at the restaurant, their food was very good especially their pizza. We are also going to the fair shoping. I really enjoy these wonderful days and would love the ironed.

Last yer, I went to Italie with my older brother. We went there by plane and we stayed there for two weaks. First of all, we took the plane at night. It was really dark out and we could see beautiful stars through the windows, the sky's color was really pretty. When we landed, we went to the hotel. During the two weeks, we visited the Pis Tower (peut-être dit differement) We often went to the restaurant, their food was really good especialy for their pizzas. We also went shopping. I really enjoyed these wonderful days et I'de love to live them again.