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quelqun pour corriger les fautes svp? My name is Taylor, I'm 16. I was born in Paris, I'm french.
Today, 22th February 1836, I arrived in U.S.A.
The trip to arrive to Ellis Island was boring because I travel in the poor class, and all of passengers were unpleasant. The landscape was just incredible. During the trip, I remind memories with my familly and my friend. I was worried, but I hoped my life will be better there.
When I arrived, doctors and officiers inspect all of immigrant one by one to examinated nationality, identity or papers during two hours.
The worst is over, now, I just want to recover my sister who immigrated before me, five years ago to finish her study.
My first impression of the U.S.A was good because people look friendly and helpful with others.
However, I hope find a job and an appartement, waiting, I will live with my sister !
I bring a picture of my mum and dud to saw them everytime I missed them.
I just hope to be happy.

Sagot :

je pense que Tout est juste ;)
Je t'ai corrigé quelques fautes que j'ai mis en majuscules. Je n'ai pas recopié les phrases sans fautes. Sur un mot je t'ai écrit qu'il n'existait pas si tu as besoin d'aide pour le remplacer dit le moi en Français et je t'aiderais. Today, 22th February 1836, I arrived in THE U.S.A. The trip to arrive to Ellis Island was boring because I travel in the poor class, and all of THE passengers were unpleasant.During the trip, I remind memories with my FAMILY and my friend. When I arrived, doctors and OFFICERS inspect all of immigrant one by one to examinated ( <-- ce mot n'existe pas) nationality, identity or papers during two hours. My first impression of the U.S.A was good because people look friendly and helpful TO others. However, I hope TO FIND a job and an APARTMENT, waiting, I will live with my sister! I bring a picture of my mum and DAD to SEE hem EVERY TIME I missed them. I just hope to be happy.
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