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Bonjour , est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait corriger ma rédaction svp :)
Il s'agit d'un commentaire sur le tableau de Ruby Bridges : http://i44.servimg.com/u/f44/14/74/45/01/norman10.jpg

Et si vous pouviez m'apportez plus d'éléments de réponse ce serait sympa de votre part :')

In 1963 , Norman Rockwell draws a picture that calls « The Problem We All Live With « . The picture speaks aboutthe Ruby Bridges history , a black girl which includes a white school in Louisiana. This girl was insulted and peoples have thrown projectiles at her because she was black and she was integrated a white school. White peoples felt that his place was not here , so they denigrated Ruby Bridges . On the picture, we can see that she is accompanied to school by three federal agents who protect her of any aggressions . The painting was a shock to the public, and a realization of the difficulty of the African Americans integration in the society . The table was a success and was hung in the White House.

This picture showed a shocked scene . We can see on the picture , on the wall , the word : Nigger , which is very abused . This word hurts black people and raise discrimination . Secondly , there is a tomato that was thrown in the direction of Ruby Bridges , which reflecting hate . The wall is dirty and black . At the left of the picture , we can see the initials « KKK » , a group of racist people that hates black people . All those details showed the racial discrimination against Ruby Bridges and in global , the black community.

When we see for the first time this picture , we see directly the white dress of Ruby Bridges , his shoes and his white ribbon because his clothes made a contrast with his color skin. The white color represents the peace and the harmony . Then , we see the federal agents armbands , which symbolized the security . They're here to protect Ruby . Their faces are not shown because maybe it could cause them problems for they protect Ruby Bridges, and because they are black.

Ruby looked serious and determined . She is she trusted , she doesn't look at the ground for insults that are against them. She keeps her head high. Certainly, she acts like that because she feels safe.
Maybe she feels proud .

Sagot :

J'ai écrit les trois premiers paragraphes qui reprennent certaines de tes idées mon texte s'arrête à "so we may raise this issue can this young girl be our problem?"

In 1963,  Ruby Bridges painted « The Problem We All Live With". The picture shows  a six-year-old black girl on her way to school escorted by four white men. In the 1960's in New Orleans (luisiana).  It is very seldom let's say the first time that a black pupil was going to an all-white grade school in the American South.

Right in the middle of the picture a young black is walking with her school belongings in her left hand. Around her they are four white guards. We can only notice their lower bodies.  Each man wears an armband and a ID badge.  In fact the men are  FBI agents.  In the background  there is a wall on which where we can see the words "nigger" and "KKK" (KuKlux Klan),  furthermore some tomatoes were thrown and mashed on the wall. The young girl is carefully dressed and her hair is done. She wears a white dress that underscores her dark skin colour. This gives remarkablcontrast between 
herself and the men whose head cannot be seen even though we can notice they are white hands.

Their heights reflect the young girl's small height.  Furthermore all this invites us to focus on the young girl represented.  The men are anonymously painted and they look like walking like soldiers. In fact the young girl is the main character and the hero of the painting while then the middle of the picture. The title of this picture " The Problem We All Live With"  could then surprise us in the way that we are at once attracted by the young girl so we may raise this issue can this young girl be our problem?

 Norman Rockwell drew a picture calls « The Problem We All Live With « . The picture speaks about the Ruby Bridges history , a black girl which includes a white school in Louisiana. This girl was insulted and peoples have thrown projectiles at her because she was black and she was integrated a white school. White peoples felt that his place was not here , so they denigrated Ruby Bridges . On the picture, we can see that she is accompanied to school by three federal agents who protect her of any aggressions . The painting was a shock to the public, and a realization of the difficulty of the African Americans integration in the society . The table was a success and was hung in the White House.

This picture showed a shocked scene . We can see on the picture , on the wall , the word : Nigger , which is very abused . This word hurts black people and raise discrimination . Secondly , there is a tomato that was thrown in the direction of Ruby Bridges , which reflecting hate . The wall is dirty and black . At the left of the picture , we can see the initials « KKK » , a group of racist people that hates black people . All those details showed the racial discrimination against Ruby Bridges and in global , the black community.

When we see for the first time this picture , we see directly the white dress of Ruby Bridges , his shoes and his white ribbon because his clothes made a contrast with his color skin. The white color represents the peace and the harmony . Then , we see the federal agents armbands , which symbolized the security . They're here to protect Ruby . Their faces are not shown because maybe it could cause them problems for they protect Ruby Bridges, and because they are black.

Ruby looked serious and determined . She is she trusted , she doesn't look at the ground for insults that are against them. She keeps her head high. Certainly, she acts like that because she feels safe.
Maybe she feels proud .