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Raconter c est vacance au passer en anglais 7,8 lignes

Sagot :

During my holidays, I did a lot of things. On the first week of July, I did my homework. Then, I went to the cinema with my friends. The others days, I did nothing special. On the second week, I went to Paris : it was cool ! I took a lot of photos : there, I saw the Eiffel Tour, The Louvre : it was wonderful ! When I was back, I visited my family. The evening, we did a barbecue. It was yummy ! We played football with my cousins and we watched TV. 
On August, I went to Spain : I went to a spanish restaurant : it was delicious ! For me, Spain is more beautiful than Paris. My holidays were great ! I love it ! I look forward the next summer holidays !
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