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bonjour à tousse une personne peut me corriger les fautes d'orthopgraphe
Je dois raconter une expérience qui à changé ma vision des adultes et qui ma fait évoluer en maturité en anglais

That day my friends and I decided to see a movie.
By mutual agreement we opted for a horror movie "the labyrinth".
It was a Saturday and the cinema was packed, they y'avait before us a group of boys; particularly agitated, then before the group a person in a wheelchair severely disabled.

The group of boys was very upset to queue and would exceed the wheelchair user. They were rushed to the person and make fun of him.

I was there to watch these idiots unable to do anything, or say anything for fear of reprisals.
I felt sad for the person who could do anything, what could I do myself a girl of 14 years

I looked around me, nobody reacted. Everyone saw the scene, but spanked pretend to see nothing.
This is when I see a vigil stared at me, then it is only there that I realized that my cheeks were red with anger. Suddenly he approaches the group of boys and tell them.
"Hey you, or you believe you!"
One of the boys said "cinema, There are a problem"
The vigil said "ok, then he turned to the person in a wheelchair Hello sir I watch for while ago the scene. I'm sorry for the behavior of these young boys then called one of his colleagues and himself asked to take charge of the person in a wheelchair. "

Suddenly the boys hustled us and fled at full speed, the vigil comes back to us and said, looking at me "you know the girls I expected a gesture from you but you did not do anything for this person" my friend replied "what did you do that, when it beat with them."

I answered it because we should have to call the vigil then smiled and left.

It's true we could do anything to make this group of boys but y 'will always be an adult who can help us and do the needful. Certainly, we will find some brave adults but they are people who are; as vigil that did not hesitate to intervene and who taught me a great life lesson.

Now I am more respectful towards people with disabilities more helpful and I learned that nobody is immune from an accident which may make disabled.
I will be more vigilant, for example

Sagot :

Then there was before us...

They were making fun of him

14 years old

Everybody was pretending to see nothing

Suddenly I saw a gard who was staring at me

they were before us
14years old
I'll ou I will
J'adore ton récit c'est un beau texte ça ma touchée 

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