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bonsoir j'ai un travail d'anglais à rendre demain sur une enquête policière.
pouvez-vous me corriger mes erreurs s'il y en a et me dire comment ameliorer mes phrases.
ce travail doit etre au Prétérit
INSPECTOR: Hi ! i'm inspector Marple ! i insvatigate the crime commited the last night.
NEIGHBOUR: hi! Come in ! What happened ?
INSPECTOR: someone murdered miss LESPANAYE ans her daughter Camille! did you saw or heard something?
NEIGHBOUR: No! nothing! Where the scene took place ?
INSPECTOR: Here! In this building!
NEIGHBOUR: OH MY GOD ! It's horrible!!! Really i didn't know! Believe me !
NSPECTOR: Where were you when the crime took place, at arund 3 o'clock ?
NEIGHBOUR: yesterday, i was shopping with my friends, then we went to cinema and we were watching a new film at around 8 o'clock p.m. Later at about 10 o'lock p.m we were dinning whith teyre in the Grandview place, the number 17! After dinner, at 1 a.m a went ti mu friend's home until 4 o'clock !
iNSPECTOR: Hummm... Okay! Did you know the victim ?
NEIGHBOUR : No, not really, because they were veru discreet and i think they didn't speak with somebody! Tey respected their privacy!
iNSPECTOR: Ok! to finish to you have a justificative?
iNSPECTOR: Ok! give me theire! thanks you so much! Called me at this number if you remember something! Good bye!
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