research on linguistic have proved that children
learn languages easily than
adults. Nowadays, in our country and also in others countries it is
really common for children to speak two
or more languages as their parent’s come
from abroad or they have different roots.
For instance, parents speak their native
language at home with their children and outside, at school children speak
native language. I’d like to underline
that it help to build or develop a strong personal identity.
Without any doubt it helps to develop words,
knowledge, and brain. During childhood learning languages increase children
abilities for sure. Thinking in two
languages or more help mind of children to be more agile creative in their
thinking and mental tasks. It’s also
true that bilingual children have a deeper understanding of language compare to
monolingual children.
In my mind, they made them open-mind for other
culture compared to monolingual children. Generally speaking, I’ve noticed that
these children at school have a higher level than others learning a new language
and they achieve well in education.
It’s really help to communicate with others, to
be more tolerant with other different culture.
I will end by saying that the main advantage is
the skill: as a student these children
are able to read and write in other language and will succeed in their future
life if they want to settle abroad.
Obviously, it’s clear that English is the
business international language but today, multilingual professional increased
throughout the world. This, will give an
educational advantage in their future
professional life.