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Bonjour je dois interpréter et donner mon opinion sur le tableau freedom for want de norman Rockwell. 8 lignes pour l’opinion et 8 ligne pour l’interprétation suffiront je vous remercie d’avance. Si je pouvez l’avoir avant demain soir ce serai génial merci.

Sagot :


la partie interprétation

The scene depicted evokes an important moment in the American calendar, the celebration of Thanksgiving, judging by the central painting establishment of the Roast Turkey. This important family celebration (as important as Christmas) takes place every year on the 4th Thursday of month of November and covers a whole weekend. Indeed, preparations begin in family on Wednesday evening, continues until Thursday and end with the meal itself from 5 p.m. for the whole evening. Follows Thanksgiving weekend from Friday to Sunday evening.

la partie opinion c à toi de dire tes ressentis