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Correction oral d'anglais poru le bac
j'ai quelque peu des difficultés en anglais et j'aimerais savoir s'il y a des fautes dans ce que j'ai écrit. Pouvez-vous s'il vous plait me les trouver et m'aider à les corriger. Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Idea of Progress

Since 1800 (heighten hundred) the progress develop. Its industrial revolution, many scientific create object, inventions; example in 1837 Samuel Morse create Telegraph and 1903 the wright brothers in USA create gasoline. The Progress is the development of society, it is also an evolution of knowledge that allows for people to have a better life. But progress also has disadvantages. Progress has an important place in our society. Progress brings different things, it can be technological progress, scientific progress...

So we can ask: What are the different aspect of progress? (Comment le progrès a changé avec le temps)
In the first time we can see the advantage of progress and the second time we can see the drawback of progress and the limit of progress.
The progress it’s important today because a lot of people use new technologies. Medical progress it’s an advantage for people because Medical progress consist for scientific to find new technologies example to replace old bodies, to find new disease. Example in a longer life (its audio document) 2 people evoke a treatment, with treatment we can live 150 years, it’s surprising it ‘very good for people. The treatment consist rejuvenate cells (shin, organs…). So we can live much longer with this treatment; it is a real benefit. Today evolution is rapid because exist new school, new laboratory. He help people in your life. So we can avoid conflicts because with medical progress we can cured disease example cancer we have many invention who find and cured disease. Example in fighting for a future (it’s a text) Anna it’s a girl who must give her organs for her sister. She helped her sister many times and she refuses to help again. Her parents for this problem because her sister can have a new organ.
However people do not have a lot of money because technologies it’s cost. Its drawback. Also for serum in longer life people evocate a many problems example people work until 80, it’s not real because people protest against work until 67 years, also many people health costs, unemployment increases.
The limit of progress are different from country. A community, a country refused progress example Amish community used ancestral tradition used a little modernity, an over community refused progress it’s Kagang in Indonesia. Also country don’t have access to progress example some countries in Africa don’t have aces to progress. Although progress is accepted in some countries such as France or the United States some invention are not accepted by either ethics or fear of the unknown.

Finally progress have many advantage and many drawback we interesting medical progress we can see the limitless of this progress. Also he exist other progress and over advantage, drawback and limit. And one may ask what are these other forms of progress are?

Sagot :

Idea of Progress 

Since 1800 (eighteen hundred) the progress develop (there was increase in development). this came in the form of  industrial revolution, many scientific (scientists) create (invented) object (a lot of things), inventions; example in 1837 Samuel Morse create (invented) the Telegraph and in 1903 the wright brothers in USA made gasoline. The Progress is the development of society, it is also an evolution of knowledge that allows for people to have a better life. But (however) progress also has disadvantages. Progress has an important place in our society. Progress brings different things, it can be technological progress, scientific progress (you should arrange the points systematically, talk about the advantages and after exhausting mention the advantages) ... (and so forth)

So we can ask: What are the different aspect of progress? (Comment le progrès a changé avec le temps) when writing don't mix up the two languages.
In the first time (in the first part) we can see the advantage of progress and in the second part we can look at (most grammatical correct) the drawbacks of progress and the limit of progress.
Progress is important today because a lot of people use new technologies. Medical progress it’s an advantage for people because Medical progress (it..after mention it once, no need of repeating the term) consist for scientific to find new technologies example to replace old bodies, to find new disease (the sentence has no clear meaning...revise it)Example in "a longer life" (its an audio document) 2 people evoke (what did you intend to mean?)a treatment, with treatment we can live 150 years and it’s surprising it ‘very good for people (it surprising people tend to love it). The treatment consists of rejuvenating cells (shin, organs…and more). So we can live much longer with this treatment (the treatment has been designed to make people live longer; it is a real benefit. Today evolution is rapid because exist new school, new laboratory (there is increased evolution due to new schools and existence of many scientific labs) . He (the pronoun for inanimate objects is 'it')  help people in your life. So we can avoid conflicts because with medical progress we can cured disease example cancer we have many invention who find and cured disease (elaborate how medical progress people can avoid conflicts. revise the sentence). Example in "fighting for a future" (it’s a text), Anna it’s (pronoun used is she) a girl who must give her organs for (to) her sister. She helped her sister many times and refuses to help anymore. Her parents for this problem because her sister can have a new organ.
However, people do not have a lot of money because technologies is very costly. Its drawback. Also for serum in longer life people evocate a many problems example people work until 80, it’s not real because people protest against work until 67 years, also many people health costs, unemployment increases (people experience a lot of health problems as they work till old age)
The limit of progress are different in different countries. A community, a country refused progress example Amish community used ancestral tradition used a little modernity, an over community refused progress it’s Kagang in Indonesia (the Amish refused to embrace modernity). Also some countries don’t have access to progress examples include some countries in Africa which have limited progress. Although progress is accepted in some countries such as France or the United States some inventions are not accepted due to either ethics or fear of the unknown.

Finally progress has many advantages and many drawbacks we interesting medical progress we can see the limitless of this progress. Also he exist other progress and over advantage, drawback and limit (write simple sentences that bring out a clear meaning). And one may ask what are these other forms of progress are?
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