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Salut, je dois écrire une expression écrite.
Le sujet c'est : Lisa demande à sa mère si elle peut inviter ses amis, sa mère refuse.
Il faut minimum 180 mots. Ça doit être un dialogue, en anglais bien sûr.
Help me please !

Sagot :

Lisa : Mum , may I ask you a favor ?
Mother: Well, Lisa , what do you want ?
L :I would  like to  have a party here  with some of my friends from school
M: How many friends
L:Six or seven  , no more
M: You are  only  11 years old  ,  you are too young to  have a party
L: Oh please Mum,  just for once
M: And when would that be  ?
L:Next saturday
M:In the afternoon ?
L: Oh no , Mum , in the evening  , of course
M:It is impossible Lisa ; saturday  evening , your father  and I are going out, you can't  have your friends here  while we are  out
L:Maybe you could ask Granny to come  here and  look after us
M:No Lisa , your Granny is not so young and it is too much  responsability for her to  look after more than two or three   children
L: Then  couldn't you ask  the  "babysitter"  to come and sit with us for the evening
M: Certainly not, she will ask  for a lot of money  to stay an evening with so many children
L: Then Saturday  of the  week  after , if Dad and you stay home ?
M: No Lisa, your father works hard during the week and needs rest  the week-end
bon c'est un début, quelques idées