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Bonjour,pouvez me traduire en anglais ceci ?svp :)
Vol  à  main  armée  commis  sur  des  officiers  de police  des  Nations  Unies 

j'ai l'honneur de vous rendre compte ce qui suit :

  Le  12/04/16 vers 22h00  à  Koloni,  Carana, je suis témoin dun vol de deux  officiers  de police des Nations Unies qui rejoignaient  leur  résidence,  venant  de  leur  lieu  de  travail. Alors qu’ils approchaient de  leur  maison,  deux  hommes armés habillés  en  vert  les ont arrêtés  et  leur  ont  intimé l’ordre de  leur  donner  tout  l’argent  qu’ils  avaient  dans leurs poches.  Les  officiers de police des Nations Unies  ont obtempéré mais il semble  que  l’argent  ne  suffisait pas  aux  yeux  des hommes armés qui frappèrent à  coups de  poings  et  à  coups de  pieds  les officiers  de  police  des Nations  Unies,  les  déshabillèrent et  emportèrent tout  leur  uniforme et leurs papiers d’identité. 

après avoir appeler des renfort de police jai regagné ma maison.

merci de votre compréhension.

Sagot :

armed robbery committed on the United Nations police officers

I have the honor to report to you the following:

The 12/04/16 to 22:00 Koloni, Carana, I witness of a theft of two UN police officers who joined their residence from their workplace. As they approached their home, two armed men dressed in green stopped them and ordered them to give them all the money they had in their pockets. UN police officers complied but it seems that the money was not enough in the eyes of armed men struck with fists and blows of UN police officers feet, undressed and took all their uniform and their identity papers.

after calling police reinforcement i regained my house.

Heyy c:


armed robbery committed on the United Nations police officers
I have the honor to report to you the following:
The 12/04/16 to 22:00 Koloni, Carana, I witness of a theft of two UN police officers who joined their residence from their workplace. As they approached their home, two armed men dressed in green stopped them and ordered them to give them all the money they had in their pockets. UN police officers complied but it seems that the money was not enough in the eyes of armed men struck with fists and blows of UN police officers feet, undressed and took all their uniform and their identity papers.

After calling police reinforcement i regained my house...
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