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Bonsoir ,

Je dois faire mon poème au prétérit , mais je ne suis pas sure de mes phrases. Pouvez vous s'il vous plait m'aider à corriger ? Quand je mets des parenthèses () sur certaines phrases , cela signifie que je ne suis sure
Mon poème parle de sécher l'école , de trouver des excuses , façon humoristique ect...

Voici mon poème :

On Monday, I didn't go to school
I slept all day long and it was cool
I didn't want to get up
I am too young and I still had to grow up.

On Tuesday, I stayed in my bed
My face was all red
I had drew pimples on my face with a red pen
I had " chicken pox " so like that I ( can eat candies in the kitchen )

On Wednesday it was raining dogs and cats  
I didn't have any rain hats
I didn't want to be chased by the neighbor's dog
Nor after a bull-frog

On Thursday, I drew dark cirles under my eyes
I knew this was all lies
My parents asked me why I looked so exhausted today
I told them I overstudy  yesterday.

On Friday I hadn't reviewed still any lesson

( I was afraid to get an hour of detention ) ( ou I'd be afraid to get an hour of detention ) ou ( I had been to get an hour of detention )

So Monday, no way to go back to school

( I pretended to have eaten a toadstool ) ou ( ou I'd pretend I ate a toadstool ) enfin jsp quoi choisir

Sagot :

Je ne suis pas une pro mais je pense savoir ce qu’il faut mettre :

I can ate candies in the kitchen.

I was afraid to get an hour of detention.

I’d pretend I ate a toadstool.

Je pense que ce sont les bonnes phrases et je l’espere. Je te souhaite bonne chance pour ton poème.


Bonsoir !!

On Monday, I didn't go to school

I slept all day long and it was cool

I didn't want to get up

I am too young and I still have to grow up.

(on ne peut pas mette la dernière phrase au passé; c'est un fait ..)

On Tuesday, I stayed in my bed

My face was all red

I had drawn pimples with a red pen

I had "chicken pox" so I could eat candies in the kitchen.

(so like that = ça ne veut rien dire ...)

On Wednesday, it was raining dogs and cats

I didn't have any rain hats

I didn't want to be chased by the neighbor's dog

Not by a bull frog. (???)  ( si tu mets "be chase by"  tu dois remettre "by" ensuite ... = être pourchassée par )

On Thursday, I drew dark circles under my eyes

I knew this was all lies

My parents asked me why I looked so exhausted today

I told them I overstudied yesterday.

On Friday, I hadn't reviewed any lesson

I was afraid to get an hour detention

So Monday, no way to go back to school

I'd pretend I ate a toadstool.  (= I would pretend)

voilà.. je n'ai rien changé.. juste fait les quelques corrections de temps !!


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