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Bonsoir, est ce que quelqu’un pourrait me traduire ce texte en anglais svp ? Sans d’aide artificielle

Bonjour, aujourd’hui j’ai décidé de vous parlez de Simone Veil.
Simone Veil de vrai nom Simone Annie Liline Jacob, est née le 13 juillet 1927 à Nice est décédée à l’âge de 89 ans, le 30 juin 2017 à Paris. Elle était une femme politique française et une figure emblématique des droits des femmes. Après avoir survécu à l’Holocauste pendant la seconde guerre mondiale elle a étudier le droit.

En 1946, âgée de seulement 16 ans, Simone Veil est déportés a Auschwitz durant la Shoah où elle va perdre son frère, son père et sa mère.
Rescapée avec ses sœurs Madeleine et Denise, qui sont-elles aussi déportées, elle épouse Antoine Veil.
Après ses études, elle rentre dans la magistrature comme haut fonctionnaire. Sur cette photo, nous pouvons la voir à l’âge de 16 ans.

En 1974, elle est nommée, ministre de la santé par le président Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, il la charge de faire adopter la loi dépénalisant le recours à l’interruption volontaire de grossesse, la "loi Veil". Elle apparaît comme un icône de la lutte contre la discrimination des femmes en France. Sur cette photo, nous la voyons durant son discours et une petite partie du sujet qu’elle aborde.

De 1979 à 1982, elle est la première présidente du Parlement européen, nouvellement élu au suffrage universel. Elle est considérée comme l’une des promotrices de la réconciliation franco-allemande et de la construction européenne. Sur cette photo, nous pouvons constater qu’elle est la seule femme de l’assemblée.

De 1993 à 1995 elle est ministre d’État, ministre des affaires sociales, de la santé et de la ville au sein du gouvernement Édouard Balladur.

Puis de 1998 à 2007, elle siège au conseil constitutionnel avant d’être élu à l’Académie française en 2008.

Simone Veil a un impact important sur moi et sur beaucoup de monde en raison de son courage, de sa persévérance et de sa détermination face à l’adversité. Son parcours de vie étant marquée par l’horreur, révèle sa force et son refus de céder à l’injustice. Elle a représenté la capacité de se battre pour ce en quoi elle croyait. Son rôle important dans la légalisation de l’avortement en France illustre son engagement envers l’autonomie des femmes et leur droit a disposer de leur corps.
Simone Veil peut inspirer les autres par son intégrité, son leadership et sa vision d’un monde plus juste. Elle a réussi à motiver le monde entier à lutter pour l’inégalité, les droits humains et la dignité pour tous.

Sagot :

Bonsoir voilà c’est en anglais britannique

Good evening, could someone translate this text into British English please? Without artificial help.

Hello, today I have decided to talk to you about Simone Veil.
Simone Veil, born Simone Annie Liline Jacob on July 13, 1927, in Nice, died at the age of 89 on June 30, 2017, in Paris. She was a French politician and an iconic figure in women's rights. After surviving the Holocaust during World War II, she studied law.

In 1946, at only 16 years old, Simone Veil was deported to Auschwitz during the Holocaust, where she lost her brother, father, and mother.
Surviving with her sisters Madeleine and Denise, who were also deported, she married Antoine Veil.
After her studies, she entered the judiciary as a senior civil servant. In this photo, we can see her at the age of 16.

In 1974, she was appointed Minister of Health by President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, tasked with passing the law decriminalizing voluntary termination of pregnancy, the "Veil law." She emerged as an icon in the fight against women's discrimination in France. In this photo, we see her during her speech and a small part of the subject she addresses.

From 1979 to 1982, she was the first President of the newly elected European Parliament by universal suffrage. She is considered one of the promoters of Franco-German reconciliation and European integration. In this photo, we can see that she is the only woman in the assembly.

From 1993 to 1995, she was Minister of State, Minister of Social Affairs, Health, and the City in the Édouard Balladur government.

Then from 1998 to 2007, she served on the Constitutional Council before being elected to the French Academy in 2008.

Simone Veil has had a significant impact on me and many others due to her courage, perseverance, and determination in the face of adversity. Her life story, marked by horror, reveals her strength and refusal to yield to injustice. She represented the ability to fight for what she believed in. Her important role in legalizing abortion in France illustrates her commitment to women's autonomy and their right to control their bodies. Simone Veil can inspire others through her integrity, leadership, and vision of a fairer world. She has succeeded in motivating the whole world to fight for equality, human rights, and dignity for all.

Hello, today I've decided to talk to you about Simone Veil.

Simone Veil, real name Simone Annie Liline Jacob, was born on 13 July 1927 in Nice and died aged 89 on 30 June 2017 in Paris. She was a French politician and a leading figure for women's rights. After surviving the Holocaust during the Second World War, she studied law.

In 1946, aged just 16, Simone Veil was deported to Auschwitz during the Holocaust, where she lost her brother, father and mother.

After surviving with her sisters Madeleine and Denise, who were also deported, she married Antoine Veil.

After completing her studies, she joined the judiciary as a senior civil servant. This photo shows her at the age of 16.

In 1974, she was appointed Minister of Health by President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, who tasked her with passing the law decriminalising voluntary termination of pregnancy, the "Veil Law". She became an icon in the fight against discrimination against women in France. In this photo, we see her during her speech and a small part of the subject she is addressing.

From 1979 to 1982, she was the first President of the European Parliament, newly elected by universal suffrage. She is regarded as one of the driving forces behind Franco-German reconciliation and European integration. In this photo, we can see that she is the only woman in the assembly.

From 1993 to 1995 she was Minister of State, Minister for Social Affairs, Health and Urban Affairs in the Édouard Balladur government.

From 1998 to 2007, she was a member of the Constitutional Council before being elected to the Académie française in 2008.

Simone Veil has had a major impact on me and many others because of her courage, perseverance and determination in the face of adversity. Her life's journey, marked by horror, reveals her strength and her refusal to give in to injustice. She represented the ability to fight for what she believed in. Her important role in legalising abortion in France illustrates her commitment to the autonomy of women and their right to control their own bodies.

Simone Veil can inspire others with her integrity, her leadership and her vision of a fairer world. She succeeded in motivating the whole world to fight for inequality, human rights and dignity for all.